Friendly error messages ======================= AvantPy aims to provide friendlier feedback when an exception is raised than what is done by Python. Such feedback will also be available in languages other than English. .. note:: The content of this page is generated by running located in the ``tests/`` directory. This needs to be done explicitly, independently of updating the documentation using Sphinx. AvantPy version: 0.0.15a Python version: 3.7.3 IfNobreakError -------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: IfNobreakError: Keyword nobreak found matching if/elif The AvantPy 'NOBREAK' keyword cannot be used in an 'IF/ELIF/ELSE' clause (Python: if/elif/else). Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_if_nobreak.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 1: '''Should raise IfNobreakError''' 2: if True: 3: pass -->4: NOBREAK: ^ MismatchedBracketsError ----------------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: MismatchedBracketsError: Closing bracket found matching a different opening one. The opening ( does not match the closing ]. Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_mismatched_brackets.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, -->10: ] ^ MissingLeftBracketError ----------------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: MissingLeftBracketError: Closing bracket found with no matching opening one The closing ) does not match anything. Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_missing_left_bracket.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 2: a = (1, 3: 2, 4: 3, 4,) -->5: ) ^ MissingRepeatColonError ----------------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: MissingRepeatColonError: Missing colon on line beginning with repeat A statement beginning with the 'REPEAT' keyword must be on a single line ending with a colon (:) that indicates the beginning of an indented block of code, with no other colon appearing on that line. Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_missing_repeat_colon.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 1: '''Should raise MissingRepeatColonError''' 2: x = 0 -->3: REPEAT UNTIL (x == ^ MissingRepeatError ------------------ .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: MissingRepeatError: until and forever must be preceeded by repeat The AvantPy 'UNTIL'' keyword can be used only whenpreceded by 'REPEAT'. Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_missing_repeat.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 1: '''Should raise MissingRepeatError''' 2: x = 0 -->3: UNTIL x == 2: ^ NameError --------- .. code-block:: none Python exception: NameError: name 'c' is not defined A NameError exception indicates that a variable or function name is not known to Python. Most often, this is because there is a spelling mistake. However, sometimes it is because the name is used before being defined or given a value. Likely cause: In your program, the unknown name is 'c'. Execution stopped on line 4 of file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_name_error.pyupper'. 1: """Should raise NameError""" 2: 3: a = 1 -->4: b = c 5: d = 3 NobreakFirstError ----------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: NobreakFirstError: nobreak must be first statement on a line The AvantPy 'NOBREAK' keyword can be used instead of 'ELSE' (Python: else) only when it begins a new statement in 'FOR/WHILE' loops (Python: for/while). Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_nobreak_first.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 1: '''Should raise NobreakFirstError''' 2: # Need to prevent NOBREAK being replaced by 'else' in this situation. -->3: a = 1 if True NOBREAK 3 ^ NobreakSyntaxError ------------------ .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: NobreakSyntaxError: Keyword nobreak not matching a valid block The AvantPy 'NOBREAK' keyword can only be used as a replacement of 'ELSE' (Python: else) with a matching 'FOR' or 'WHILE' loop (Python: for/while). Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_nobreak_syntax.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 1: '''Should raise NobreakSyntaxError''' 2: # Need to prevent NOBREAK being replaced by 'else' in this situation. 3: a = 1 -->4: NOBREAK: pass ^ RepeatFirstError ---------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: RepeatFirstError: repeat must be first statement on a line The AvantPy 'REPEAT' keyword can only be used to begin a new loop (Python: equivalent to 'for' or 'while' loop). Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_repeat_first.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 1: '''Should raise RepeatFirstError''' 2: # Catch an early case of using REPEAT not to begin a loop -->3: a = REPEAT ^ TryNobreakError --------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy syntax error: TryNobreakError: Keyword nobreak found matching try/except The AvantPy 'NOBREAK' keyword cannot be used in a 'TRY/EXCEPT/ELSE/FINALLY' clause (Python: try/except/else/finally). Python could not parse the file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_try_nobreak.pyupper' beyond the location indicated below by --> and ^. 4: A = 1 5: EXCEPT: 6: A = 2 --> 7: NOBREAK: ^ UnknownDialectError ------------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy exception: UnknownDialectError: Unknown dialect pyxx The following unknown dialect was requested: pyxx. The known dialects are: ['pyen', 'pyes', 'pyfr', 'pyupper']. Execution stopped on line 13 of file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_unknown_dialect.pyupper'. 10: 11: from avantpy import session 12: -->13: session.state.set_dialect('pyxx') 14: session: Exception raised on line 134 of file 'AVANTPY:\avantpy\'. 132: if not self.is_dialect(dialect): 133: raise exceptions.UnknownDialectError( -->134: "Unknown dialect %s" % dialect, (dialect, self.all_dialects()) 135: ) dialect: 'pyxx' self: UnknownLanguageError -------------------- .. code-block:: none AvantPy exception: UnknownLanguageError: Unknown language xx The following unknown languages was requested: xx. The known dialects are: {'en', 'fr'}. Execution stopped on line 13 of file 'AVANTPY-TESTS:\pyupper\raise_unknown_language.pyupper'. 10: 11: from avantpy import session 12: -->13: session.state.set_lang('xx') 14: session: Exception raised on line 159 of file 'AVANTPY:\avantpy\'. 157: if not self.is_lang(lang): 158: raise exceptions.UnknownLanguageError( -->159: "Unknown language %s" % lang, (lang, self.languages) 160: ) lang: 'xx' self: