
  • We explain how to create a basic import hook.

  • We show how to do some simple source modification using token_utils

  • We show how to use the -s or --show command line flag to get some debugging information.

Create your first import hook

You’ve seen how to use ideas import hooks; now it is time to create your first one. Se use our "Hello world" example, which uses function as equivalent to lambda.

How to do this

Suppose you had access to the source of a program using function as a keyword instead of lambda. Perhaps something like the following:

# source of the program
greet = function name: print(f"Hello {name}!")

So that you could write:

>>> greet("World")
Hello World!

Given access to that source, all you’d need to do is:

modified_source = source.replace("function", "lambda")

and have Python execute modified_source instead of the original source.

Here’s how we can do it using ideas:

from ideas import import_hook

def some_arbitrary_name(source, **kwargs):
     return source.replace("function", "lambda")


That’s it! Prior to having Python execute the source code, ideas will take care of using the function some_arbitrary_name() to replace any occurrence of the name function by lambda so that the source code would contain only valid syntax.

While the code above would work, it is less than ideal as it would replace the word function by lambda everywhere it occurs in the source. Thus, given something like:


This is a test demonstrating the use of our hook to replace
function by lambda."""

square = function x: x**2

If we attempted to do the following:

>>> import function
>>> help(function)

we would see this:

This is a test demonstrating the use of our hook to replace
lambda by lambda.

This is far from ideal. There has to be a better way.

Actual code

Here’s the content of our real simplest example.

 1"""This module enables someone to use ``function`` as a keyword
 2equivalent to ``lambda``.
 4from ideas import import_hook
 5import token_utils
 8def transform_source(source, **_kwargs):
 9    """This performs a simple replacement of ``function`` by ``lambda``."""
10    new_tokens = []
11    for token in token_utils.tokenize(source):
12        # token_utils allows us to easily replace the string content
13        # of any token
14        if token == "function":
15            token.string = "lambda"
16        new_tokens.append(token)
18    return token_utils.untokenize(new_tokens)
21def add_hook(**_kwargs):
22    """Creates and automatically adds the import hook in sys.meta_path"""
23    hook = import_hook.create_hook(
24        transform_source=transform_source,
25        hook_name=__name__,  # optional
26    )
27    return hook


Rather than inserting our import hook immediately upon execution of this module, we put the code to do so in the function add_hook, and return the hook that was created. This has at least three benefits:

  1. We can control when the hook is created.

  2. We can use the return value to remove the hook when it is no longer needed. This can be useful for testing.

  3. We can optionally add arguments to add_hook; we will do so in more complex examples

Furthermore, as we have seen before, we can invoke ideas from the command line with the -a or --add_hook flag,

python -m ideas --add_hook function_keyword

which imports function_keyword and calls function_keyword.add_hook().

Using token_utils

To replace function by lambda only when it is meant to be used as a keyword, we break up the code in a series of tokens and only replace function by lambda when it occurs as an individual token. Rather than using directly the tokenizer from Python’s standard library, we use our own version which has some useful added features. For example, in almost all cases, the relevant characteristic of a token is its string representation. We can compare a token directly to a string like we did in the code above on line 16.

Note that, just like:

def lambda():

would raise a SyntaxError, the same would occur with:

def function():

using our import hook.

Once we’re done with replacing all function tokens by lambda, we convert the tokens back into a string by calling our utility function untokenize on line 19.

Finally, by convention, we use the same name, transform_source that is used as a keyword argument for import_hook.create_hook; unlike add_hook, using the specific name transform_source is not required by ideas.

Debugging help

You can use the -s (or --show_changes) flag to find out what changes have been made by the source transformation to the original script; a maximum of ten lines are shown.

> python -im ideas my_program -a function_keyword -s

#========== Original ====
square = function x: x**2
print(f"{square(4)} is the square of 4.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(f"And the square of 5 is {square(5)}")

#=== End of Original ====

#========== New ====
square = lambda x: x**2
print(f"{square(4)} is the square of 4.")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(f"And the square of 5 is {square(5)}")

#=== End of New ====

16 is the square of 4.
And the square of 5 is 25
Ideas Console version 0.0.34. [Python version: 3.10.2]


For code entered at the console, only the changed source is shown.

>>> cube = function x: x**3
new: cube = lambda x: x**3

Inside the ideas console, you can turn on or off this feature as follows:

>>> from ideas.session import config
>>> config.show_changes = False
>>> cube = function x: x**3
>>> config.show_changes = True
>>> cube = function x: x**3
new: cube = lambda x: x**3

API for function_keyword

This module enables someone to use function as a keyword equivalent to lambda.


Creates and automatically adds the import hook in sys.meta_path

ideas.examples.function_keyword.transform_source(source, **_kwargs)[source]

This performs a simple replacement of function by lambda.

Complete argument list for transform_source

In the above example, we had some unspecified keywords arguments passed to transformed_source.

At present, the complete list of possible arguments is as follows:

def transform_source(source,
    filename = full_path,
    module = module_object,
    callback_params = user_defined_dict):

full_path can be simply the name of the ideas console. When using IPython or Jupyter, only the source is passed back to transform_source.