Source code for token_utils


A collection of useful functions and methods to deal with tokenizing
source code.
import ast
import keyword
import tokenize as py_tokenize

from io import StringIO

__version__ = "0.1.8"
_token_format = "type={type}  string={string}  start={start}  end={end}  line={line}"

[docs]class Token: """Token as generated from Python's tokenize.generate_tokens written here in a more convenient form, and with some custom methods. The various parameters are:: type: token type string: the token written as a string start = (start_row, start_col) end = (end_row, end_col) line: entire line of code where the token is found. Token instances are mutable objects. Therefore, given a list of tokens, we can change the value of any token's attribute, untokenize the list and automatically obtain a transformed source. """ def __init__(self, token): self.type = token[0] self.string = token[1] self.start = self.start_row, self.start_col = token[2] self.end = self.end_row, self.end_col = token[3] self.line = token[4] def __eq__(self, other): """Compares a Token with another object; returns true if self.string == other.string or if self.string == other. """ if hasattr(other, "string"): return self.string == other.string elif isinstance(other, str): return self.string == other else: raise TypeError( "A token can only be compared to another token or to a string." ) def __repr__(self): """Nicely formatted token to help with debugging session. Note that it does **not** print a string representation that could be used to create a new ``Token`` instance, which is something you should never need to do other than indirectly by using the functions provided in this module. """ return _token_format.format( type="%s (%s)" % (self.type, py_tokenize.tok_name[self.type]), string=repr(self.string), start=str(self.start), end=str(self.end), line=repr(self.line), ) def __str__(self): """Returns the string attribute.""" return self.string
[docs] def is_comment(self): """Returns True if the token is a comment.""" return self.type == py_tokenize.COMMENT
[docs] def is_identifier(self): """Returns ``True`` if the token represents a valid Python identifier excluding Python keywords. Note: this is different from Python's string method ``isidentifier`` which also returns ``True`` if the string is a keyword. """ return self.string.isidentifier() and not self.is_keyword()
[docs] def is_name(self): """Returns ``True`` if the token is a type NAME""" return self.type == py_tokenize.NAME
[docs] def is_keyword(self): """Returns True if the token represents a Python keyword.""" return keyword.iskeyword(self.string)
[docs] def is_number(self): """Returns True if the token represents a number""" return self.type == py_tokenize.NUMBER
[docs] def is_float(self): """Returns True if the token represents a float""" return self.is_number() and isinstance(ast.literal_eval(self.string), float)
[docs] def is_integer(self): """Returns True if the token represents an integer""" return self.is_number() and isinstance(ast.literal_eval(self.string), int)
[docs] def is_complex(self): """Returns True if the token represents a complex number""" return self.is_number() and isinstance(ast.literal_eval(self.string), complex)
[docs] def is_space(self): """Returns True if the token indicates a change in indentation, the end of a line, or the end of the source (``INDENT``, ``DEDENT``, ``NEWLINE``, ``NL``, and ``ENDMARKER``). Note that spaces, including tab charcters ``\\t``, between tokens on a given line are not considered to be tokens themselves. """ return self.type in ( py_tokenize.INDENT, py_tokenize.DEDENT, py_tokenize.NEWLINE, py_tokenize.NL, py_tokenize.ENDMARKER, )
[docs] def is_string(self): """Returns True if the token is a string""" return self.type == py_tokenize.STRING
[docs] def is_in(self, iterable): """Returns True if the string attribute is found as an item of iterable.""" return self.string in iterable
[docs] def is_not_in(self, iterable): """Returns True if the string attribute is found as an item of iterable.""" return self.string not in iterable
[docs]def find_token_by_position(tokens, row, column): """Given a list of tokens, a specific row (linenumber) and column, a two-tuple is returned that includes the token found at that position as well as its list index. If no such token can be found, ``None, None`` is returned. """ for index, tok in enumerate(tokens): if ( tok.start_row <= row <= tok.end_row and tok.start_col <= column < tok.end_col ): return tok, index return None, None
[docs]def fix_empty_line(source, tokens): """Python's tokenizer drops entirely a last line if it consists only of space characters and/or tab characters. To ensure that we can always have:: untokenize(tokenize(source)) == source we correct the last token content if needed. """ nb = 0 for char in reversed(source): if char in (" ", "\t"): nb += 1 else: break tokens[-1].string = source[-nb:]
[docs]def tokenize(source, warning=True): """Transforms a source (string) into a list of Tokens. If an exception is raised by Python's tokenize module, the list of tokens accumulated up to that point is returned. """ tokens = [] try: for tok in py_tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(source).readline): token = Token(tok) tokens.append(token) except (py_tokenize.TokenError, Exception) as exc: if warning: print( "WARNING: the following error was raised in ", f"{__name__}.tokenize", ) print(exc) return tokens if source.endswith((" ", "\t")): fix_empty_line(source, tokens) return tokens
[docs]def get_lines(source, warning=True): """Transforms a source (string) into a list of Tokens, with each (inner) list containing all the tokens found on a given line of code. """ lines = [] current_row = -1 new_line = [] try: for tok in py_tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(source).readline): token = Token(tok) if token.start_row != current_row: current_row = token.start_row if new_line: lines.append(new_line) new_line = [] new_line.append(token) if new_line: lines.append(new_line) except (py_tokenize.TokenError, Exception) as exc: if warning: print( "WARNING: the following tokenize error was raised in " f"{__name__}.get_lines" ) print(exc) return lines if source.endswith((" ", "\t")): fix_empty_line(source, lines[-1]) return lines
[docs]def get_number(tokens, exclude_comment=True): """Given a list of tokens, gives a count of the number of tokens which are not space tokens (such as ``NEWLINE``, ``INDENT``, ``DEDENT``, etc.) By default, ``COMMMENT`` tokens are not included in the count. If you wish to include them, set ``exclude_comment`` to ``False``. """ nb = len(tokens) for token in tokens: if token.is_space(): nb -= 1 elif exclude_comment and token.is_comment(): nb -= 1 return nb
[docs]def strip_comment(line): """Removes comments from a line""" tokens = [] try: for tok in py_tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO(line).readline): token = Token(tok) if token.is_comment(): continue tokens.append(token) except py_tokenize.TokenError: pass return untokenize(tokens)
[docs]def get_first(tokens, exclude_comment=True): """Given a list of tokens, find the first token which is not a space token (such as a ``NEWLINE``, ``INDENT``, ``DEDENT``, etc.) and, by default, also not a ``COMMMENT``. ``COMMMENT`` tokens can be included by setting ``exclude_comment`` to ``False``. Returns ``None`` if none is found. """ for token in tokens: if token.is_space() or (exclude_comment and token.is_comment()): continue return token return None
[docs]def get_first_index(tokens, exclude_comment=True): """Given a list of tokens, find the index of the first token which is not a space token (such as a ``NEWLINE``, ``INDENT``, ``DEDENT``, etc.) nor a ``COMMMENT``. If it is desired to include COMMENT, set ``exclude_comment`` to ``True``. Returns ``None`` if none is found. """ for index, token in enumerate(tokens): if token.is_space() or (exclude_comment and token.is_comment()): continue return index return None
[docs]def get_last(tokens, exclude_comment=True): """Given a list of tokens, find the last token which is not a space token (such as a ``NEWLINE``, ``INDENT``, ``DEDENT``, etc.) and, by default, also not a ``COMMMENT``. ``COMMMENT`` tokens can be included by setting``exclude_comment`` to ``False``. Returns ``None`` if none is found. """ return get_first(reversed(tokens), exclude_comment=exclude_comment)
[docs]def get_last_index(tokens, exclude_comment=True): """Given a list of tokens, find the index of the last token which is not a space token (such as a ``NEWLINE``, ``INDENT``, ``DEDENT``, etc.) nor a ``COMMMENT``. If it is desired to include COMMENT, set ``exclude_comment`` to True. Returns ``None`` if none is found. """ return ( len(tokens) - 1 - get_first_index(reversed(tokens), exclude_comment=exclude_comment) )
[docs]def dedent(tokens, nb): """Given a list of tokens, produces an equivalent list corresponding to a line of code with the first nb characters removed. """ line = untokenize(tokens) line = line[nb:] return tokenize(line)
[docs]def indent(tokens, nb, tab=False): """Given a list of tokens, produces an equivalent list corresponding to a line of code with nb space characters inserted at the beginning. If ``tab`` is specified to be ``True``, ``nb`` tab characters are inserted instead of spaces. """ line = untokenize(tokens) if tab: line = "\t" * nb + line else: line = " " * nb + line return tokenize(line)
[docs]def untokenize(tokens): """Return source code based on tokens. Adapted from, Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Steven Myint, MIT License (same as this project). This is similar to Python's own tokenize.untokenize(), except that it preserves spacing between tokens, by using the line information recorded by Python's tokenize.generate_tokens. As a result, if the original soure code had multiple spaces between some tokens or if escaped newlines were used or if tab characters were present in the original source, those will also be present in the source code produced by untokenize. Thus ``source == untokenize(tokenize(source))``. Note: if you you modifying tokens from an original source: Instead of full token object, ``untokenize`` will accept simple strings; however, it will only insert them *as is* without taking them into account when it comes with figuring out spacing between tokens. """ words = [] previous_line = "" last_row = 0 last_column = -1 last_non_whitespace_token_type = None for token in tokens: if isinstance(token, str): words.append(token) continue if token.type == py_tokenize.ENCODING: continue # Preserve escaped newlines. if ( last_non_whitespace_token_type != py_tokenize.COMMENT and token.start_row > last_row ): if previous_line.endswith(("\\\n", "\\\r\n", "\\\r")): words.append(previous_line[len(previous_line.rstrip(" \t\n\r\\")) :]) # Preserve spacing. if token.start_row > last_row: last_column = 0 if token.start_col > last_column: words.append(token.line[last_column : token.start_col]) words.append(token.string) previous_line = token.line last_row = token.end_row last_column = token.end_col if not token.is_space(): last_non_whitespace_token_type = token.type return "".join(words)