
This project is being split into 3 separate projects:

  • friendly_traceback,

  • friendly, and

  • friendly_idle.

The documentation does not reflect this change.

If you are a end-user, just install friendly until further notice.

Visual Studio Code’s terminal

You can start the friendly console in Visual Studio Code’s terminal in the same way as mentioned before:

python -m friendly
Screen capture showing VS code terminal in dark mode

This is designed for a dark coloured terminal; the closer the background to your chosen VS code theme is to black, the better it likely will look. For the theme we use, the background colour is #1e1e1e instead of pure black (#000000). It is however possible to specify a background colour to use, with:

python -m friendly --background #1e1e1e
Screen capture showing VS code terminal with custom background

If you use a light coloured theme, you should use the following instead:

python -m friendly –formatter light

And here is the result:

Screen capture showing VS code terminal in light mode

Just like in the previous case, you could specify a background colour of your choice.