
This project is being split into 3 separate projects:

  • friendly_traceback,

  • friendly, and

  • friendly_idle.

The documentation does not reflect this change.

If you are a end-user, just install friendly until further notice.


Imagine that you are a beginner. You write some code and are suddenly confronted with the following:

Screen capture of unbound local error

You see UnboundLocalError, and have no idea what it might mean, in spite of the hint provided by friendly. Rather than heading to StackOverflow to ask a question and have it immediately closed as being a duplicate, you simply ask what() and friendly tries to help you.

Screen capture of explanation about unbound local error

what() only gives here some generic information about what an UnboundLocalError is. Later, you will see how friendly can often give more useful information regarding the exact cause of the exception, and how to fix it.

what() can be useful even if an exception has not been raised. In principle, you can get information about any exception by passing it as an object:

>>> what(IndexError)

An IndexError occurs when you are try to get an item from a list, a tuple, or a similar
object (sequence), by using an index which does not exists; typically, this is because
the index you give is greater than the length of the sequence. Reminder: the first item
of a sequence is at index 0.

Instead of using a known Exception object, you can pass its name as a string if you prefer. You can even specify a language other than English … as long as it is French - hopefully, support for more languages will be added by contributors:

>>> set_lang('fr')
>>> what("IndentationError")

Une exception de type IndentationError se produit lorsqu'une ligne de code n'est pas
indentée (c'est-à-dire alignée verticalement avec les autres lignes) de la façon