Source code for friendly.console_helpers


Functions that can be used in a friendly console or in other interactive
environments such as in a Jupyter notebook.
# NOTE: __all__ is defined at the very bottom of this file
import sys
import friendly

from friendly import debug_helper, formatters, __version__
from friendly.config import session
from friendly.info_generic import get_generic_explanation
from friendly.path_info import show_paths
from friendly.my_gettext import current_lang
from friendly.utils import add_rich_repr

_ = current_lang.translate

[docs]def back(): """Removes the last recorded traceback item. The intention is to allow recovering from a typo when trying interactively to find out specific information about a given exception. """ if not session.saved_info: session.write_err(_("Nothing to go back to: no exception recorded.") + "\n") return if not session.friendly: # pragma: no cover debug_helper.log("Problem: saved info is not empty but friendly is") session.saved_info.pop() session.friendly.pop() if session.saved_info: info = session.saved_info[-1] if info["lang"] != friendly.get_lang(): info["lang"] = friendly.get_lang() session.friendly[-1].recompile_info()
[docs]def explain(include="explain"): """Shows the previously recorded traceback info again, with the option to specify different items to include. For example, ``explain("why")`` is equivalent to ``why()``. """ old_include = friendly.get_include() friendly.set_include(include) session.show_traceback_info_again() friendly.set_include(old_include)
[docs]def friendly_tb(): """Shows the a simplified Python traceback, which includes the hint/suggestion if available. """ explain("friendly_tb")
[docs]def hint(): """Shows hint/suggestion if available.""" explain("hint")
[docs]def history(): """Prints the list of error messages recorded so far.""" if not session.saved_info: session.write_err(_("Nothing to show: no exception recorded.") + "\n") return session.rich_add_vspace = False for info in session.saved_info: message = session.formatter(info, include="message").replace("\n", "") session.write_err(message) session.rich_add_vspace = True
[docs]def python_tb(): """Shows the Python traceback, excluding files from friendly itself. """ explain("python_tb")
[docs]def what(exception=None, pre=False): """If known, shows the generic explanation about a given exception. If the ``pre`` argument is set to ``True``, the output is formatted in a way that is suitable for inclusion in the documentation. """ if exception is None: explain("what") return if hasattr(exception, "__name__"): exception = exception.__name__ result = get_generic_explanation(exception) if pre: # for documentation # pragma: no cover lines = result.split("\n") for line in lines: session.write_err(" " + line + "\n") session.write_err("\n") else: session.write_err(result) return
[docs]def where(): """Shows the information about where the exception occurred""" explain("where")
[docs]def why(): """Shows the likely cause of the exception.""" explain("why")
[docs]def www(site=None): # pragma: no cover """This uses the ``webbrowser`` module to open a tab (or window) in the default browser, linking to a specific url or opening the default email client. * If the argument 'site' is not specified, and an exception has been raised, an internet search will be done using the exception message as the search string. * If the argument 'site' is not specified, and NO exception has been raised, Friendly's documentation will open. * If the argument 'site' == "friendly", Friendly's documentation will open. * If the argument 'site' == "python", Python's documentation site will open with the currently used Python version. * If the argument 'site' == "bug", the Issues page for Friendly on Github will open. * If the argument 'site' == "email", the default email client should open with Friendly's developer's address already filled in. """ import urllib import webbrowser urls = { "friendly": "", "python": "", "bug": "", "email": "", } try: site = site.lower() except Exception: # noqa pass if site not in urls and site is not None: session.write_err( _( "Invalid argument for `www()`.\n" "Valid arguments include `None` or one of `{sites}`.\n" ).format(sites=repr(urls.keys())) ) return info = session.saved_info[-1] if session.saved_info else None if site is None and info is not None: message = info["message"].replace("'", "") if " (" in message: message = message.split("(")[0] url = "" + urllib.parse.quote(message) # noqa elif site is None: url = urls["friendly"] else: url = urls[site] if site == "python": url = url + f".{sys.version_info.minor}/" try: webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) except Exception: # noqa session.write_err(_("The default web browser cannot be used for searching.")) return
get_lang = friendly.get_lang set_lang = friendly.set_lang get_include = friendly.get_include set_include = friendly.set_include set_formatter = friendly.set_formatter # ===== Debugging functions are not unit tested by choice ===== def _debug_tb(): # pragma: no cover """Shows the true Python traceback, which includes files from friendly itself. """ explain("debug_tb") def _get_exception(): # pragma: no cover """Debugging tool: returns the exception instance or None if no exception has been raised. """ if not session.saved_info: print("Nothing to show: no exception recorded.") return info = session.saved_info[-1] return info["_exc_instance"] def _get_frame(): # pragma: no cover """This returns the frame in which the exception occurred. This is not intended for end-users but is useful in development. """ if not session.saved_info: print("Nothing to show: no exception recorded.") return info = session.saved_info[-1] return info["_frame"] def _get_statement(): # pragma: no cover """This returns a 'Statement' instance obtained for SyntaxErrors and subclasses. Such a Statement instance contains essentially all the known information about the statement where the error occurred. This is not intended for end-users but is useful in development. """ if not session.saved_info: print("Nothing to show: no exception recorded.") return if isinstance(session.saved_info[-1]["_exc_instance"], SyntaxError): return session.friendly[-1].tb_data.statement print("No statement: not a SyntaxError.") return def _get_tb_data(): # pragma: no cover """This returns the TracebackData instance containing all the information we have obtained. This is not intended for end-users but is useful in development. """ if not session.saved_info: print("Nothing to show: no exception recorded.") return info = session.saved_info[-1] return info["_tb_data"] def _set_debug(flag=True): # pragma: no cover """This sets the value of the debug flag for the current session.""" debug_helper.DEBUG = flag def _show_info(): # pragma: no cover """Debugging tool: shows the complete content of traceback info. Prints ``''`` for a given item if it is not present. """ info = session.saved_info[-1] if session.saved_info else [] for item in formatters.items_in_order: if item in info and info[item].strip(): print(f"{item}:") for line in info[item].strip().split("\n"): print(" ", line) print() else: print(f"{item}: ''") print("=" * 56) print("The following are not meant to be shown to the end user:\n") for item in info: if item not in formatters.items_in_order: print(f"{item}: {info[item]}") basic_helpers = { "back": back, "explain": explain, "history": history, "set_lang": set_lang, "show_paths": show_paths, "what": what, "where": where, "why": why, "www": www, } = lambda: _("Removes the last recorded traceback item.") = lambda: _("Shows all the information about the last traceback.") = lambda: _("Shows a list of recorded traceback messages.") = lambda: _("Sets the language to be used.") = lambda: _("Shows the paths corresponding to synonyms used.") = lambda: _("Shows the generic meaning of a given exception") = lambda: _("Shows where an exception was raised.") = lambda: _("Shows the likely cause of the exception.") = lambda: _("Opens a web browser at a useful location.") add_rich_repr(basic_helpers) other_helpers = { "hint": hint, "get_lang": get_lang, "python_tb": python_tb, "friendly_tb": friendly_tb, "get_include": get_include, "set_include": set_include, "set_formatter": set_formatter, } = lambda: _("Suggestion sometimes added to a friendly traceback.") = lambda: _("Shows a normal Python traceback.") = lambda: _("Shows a simplified Python traceback.") = lambda: _( "Returns the current value used for items to include by default." ) = lambda: _( "Sets the items to show by default when an exception is raised." ) = lambda: _("Returns the language currently used.") = lambda: _("Sets the formatter to use for display.") add_rich_repr(other_helpers) helpers = {**basic_helpers, **other_helpers} _debug_helpers = { "_debug_tb": _debug_tb, "_get_frame": _get_frame, "_set_debug": _set_debug, "_show_info": _show_info, "_get_tb_data": _get_tb_data, "_get_exception": _get_exception, "_get_statement": _get_statement, } = lambda: "Shows the full traceback, including code from friendly." = lambda: "Shows the all the items recorded in the traceback." = lambda: "Returns the exception instance." = lambda: "Returns the frame object where the exception occurred." = lambda: "Returns the statement in which a SyntaxError occurred." = lambda: "Return a special traceback object." = lambda: "Use True (default) or False to set the debug flag." class FriendlyHelpers: """Helper class which can be used in a console if one of the helper functions gets redefined. For example, we can write Friendly.explain() as equivalent to explain(). """ version = __version__ def __init__(self, local_helpers=None): self.__include_basic = list(basic_helpers) if local_helpers is not None: self.__include_basic.extend(local_helpers) self.__include_basic = sorted(self.__include_basic) # first alphabetically # then by word length, as it is easier to read. self.include_in_rich_repr = sorted(self.__include_basic, key=len) self.__include_more = list(other_helpers) self.__include_more = sorted(self.__include_more) # first alphabetically # then by word length, as it is easier to read. self.include_in_help = sorted(self.__include_more, key=len) self.__class__.__name__ = "Friendly" # For a nicer Rich repr def __dir__(self): # pragma: no cover """Only include useful friendly methods.""" return self.__include_basic + list(other_helpers) + list(_debug_helpers) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover """Shows a brief description in the default language of what each 'basic' function/method does. 'Advanced' and debugging helper functions are not included in the display. """ header = ( _( "The following methods of the Friendly object might also " "be available as functions." ) + "\n\n" + _("Basic methods:") ) parts = [header + "\n\n"] for item in self.include_in_rich_repr: parts.append(item + "(): ") fn = getattr(Friendly, item) if hasattr(fn, "help"): parts.append(getattr(Friendly, item).help() + "\n") else: print("Warning:", item, "has no help() method.") more_header = _("Less commonly used methods/functions.") parts.append("\n" + more_header + "\n\n") for item in self.include_in_help: parts.append(item + "(): ") fn = getattr(Friendly, item) if hasattr(fn, "help"): parts.append(getattr(Friendly, item).help() + "\n") else: print("Warning:", item, "has no help() method.") return "".join(parts) for helper in _debug_helpers: setattr(FriendlyHelpers, helper, staticmethod(_debug_helpers[helper])) for helper in helpers: setattr(FriendlyHelpers, helper, staticmethod(helpers[helper])) # == Local version; this may need to be removed/modified in # some programming environments (e.g. Mu, Idle, etc.) which do not support Rich. class _FriendlyHelpers(FriendlyHelpers): # local version pass
[docs]def dark(): # pragma: no cover """Synonym of set_formatter('dark') designed to be used within iPython/Jupyter programming environments or at a terminal. """ set_formatter("dark")
[docs]def light(): # pragma: no cover """Synonym of set_formatter('light') designed to be used within iPython/Jupyter programming environments or at a terminal. """ set_formatter("light") = lambda: _("Sets a colour scheme designed for a black background.") = lambda: _("Sets a colour scheme designed for a white background.") default_color_schemes = {"dark": dark, "light": light} add_rich_repr(default_color_schemes) Friendly = _FriendlyHelpers(default_color_schemes) for scheme in default_color_schemes: setattr(_FriendlyHelpers, scheme, staticmethod(default_color_schemes[scheme])) helpers["Friendly"] = Friendly __all__ = list(helpers.keys()) __all__.extend(list(default_color_schemes))